Subject | Topics Covered |
C Programming |
Arrays: Basic concepts, one-dimensional arrays, two-dimensional arrays, multidimensional arrays, examples. Pointers: Basic concepts, pointers to pointers, compatibility, pointer applications, arrays and pointers, pointer arithmetic, memory allocation functions. |
C++ Programming | Introduction to C++, operators and expressions, control flow, functions, classes and objects, inheritance and polymorphism, exception handling, advanced topics (templates, file I/O, etc.). |
HTML with CSS |
Basic structure of an HTML document, creating an HTML document, mark-up tags, working with text, lists, tables, frames, hyperlinks, images, multimedia, forms and controls. CSS: Styling (background, text, fonts), block elements, box model, CSS Id and Class, advanced CSS (grouping, dimension, display, positioning, floating, pseudo classes, navigation bars, image sprites). |
Core Java | Object Oriented Programming, Java data types & variables, control statements, arrays, strings, classes and objects, constructors, inheritance, polymorphism, exception handling, threads, applets, and frames. |
Python | Python syntax, environment setup, core objects and functions, lists, ranges, tuples, dictionaries, input/output, built-in functions, user-defined functions, OOP (classes and objects), exception handling, Python modules & packages. |
Advance Java | Servlet fundamentals, life cycle, HTTP GET/POST methods, HTML forms processing, state management, JSP directives, action tags, custom tag library, Java Beans from JSP, JavaServer Pages (JSP) advanced topics. |
Bootstrap | Bootstrap framework, responsive web design, grids, typography, tables, forms, buttons, images, components (dropdowns, navbars, alerts), JavaScript plug-ins, customizing Bootstrap with LESS and jQuery plug-ins. |
jQuery | Basic jQuery selectors, filters, traversing documents, manipulating content, events, animations, jQuery UI (widgets, effects), using jQuery UI ThemeRoller, advanced examples (accordions, image rotators, tooltips). |
Subject | Topics Covered |
PHP | Configuring PHP, using PHP code in web pages, data types, identifiers, variables, constants, expressions, control structures, functions, arrays, object-oriented programming (OOP) in PHP, error and exception handling, authenticating users, working with HTML forms. |
Advanced SQL Syllabus | Database normalization, ER model, installing MySQL, operators, constraints, data types, SQL queries, stored procedures, triggers, SQL injection prevention, and data export/import techniques, Inner Joins, Outer Joins, Left Joins, Right Joins, DML : Insert, DML : Update, Delete, DDL : Delete, Add, Modify, DCL : Data Control Language : GRANT, REVOKE. Normalisations. |